Visual Studio will feature UML support

As I wrote in a previous post, one of the main problems I saw in Microsoft Visual Studio DSL Tools was the lack of support for UML. I’m not a big fan of UML, but I must recognize that a common modeling language could be helpful in some scenarios.

Now, it seems that Microsoft changed it’s view. Bill Gates announced at Tech·Ed 2008 for Developers that UML will be part of Visual Studio 10. Great news. But this announce does not means that Microsoft is moving away from DSL. As Cameron Skinner wrote in a post, Microsoft will be using an hybrid model, a combination of both approaches: UML at the “logical” layer and DSLs at the “physical” layer. Not as powerful as openArchitectureWare, but a great step forward.

links for 2008-07-10

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      &#8220;Of course, implementing APM doesn’t generate its potential benefits straight out of the box. APM is as much a question of culture as technology.&#8221;
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      (tags: <a href="">application</a> <a href="">portfolio</a> <a href="">management</a>)
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      &#8220;but most people who were brilliant in architecting systems only 10 to 15 years ago really suck at architecting systems for the globalized now, where everything has become bigger, faster and cheaper&#8221;
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      (tags: <a href="">architecture</a> <a href="">cloud</a> <a href="">computing</a> <a href="">distributed</a> <a href="">concurrency</a> <a href="">scalability</a> <a href="">erlang</a>)
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      Nice question. Where do you want to innovate? on the technical side, or on the businesses side?
    <div class="delicious-tags">
      (tags: <a href="">software</a> <a href="">development</a> <a href="">strategies</a> <a href="">tools</a> <a href="">languages</a> <a href="">frameworks</a>)
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      (tags: <a href="">IBM</a> <a href="">mainframe</a>)
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      FVE Project Manager is a modified version of dotProject which extends its functionalities (principally EPF importer and Subversion).
    <div class="delicious-tags">
      (tags: <a href="">projectmanagement</a> <a href="">dotproject</a>)
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      Cloud computing vendor landscape
    <div class="delicious-tags">
      (tags: <a href="">cloud</a> <a href="">computing</a>)
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      Eclipse at eBay
    <div class="delicious-tags">
      (tags: <a href="">eclipse</a> <a href="">ebay</a> <a href="">presentations</a>)
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      OSGi guide
    <div class="delicious-tags">
      (tags: <a href="">architecture</a> <a href="">osgi</a> <a href="">history</a>)
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      BuildProcess is a set of tools designed to automatic perform J2EE tasks
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      (tags: <a href="">automation</a> <a href="">build</a> <a href="">deployment</a> <a href="">j2ee</a> <a href="">opensource</a> <a href="">tools</a>)
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      Kent Beck shares his thoughts on how tools have evolved in supporting agile software development.
    <div class="delicious-tags">
      (tags: <a href="">development</a> <a href="">tools</a> <a href="">agile</a> <a href="">kentbeck</a> <a href="">whitepaper</a>)

Year 2038 problem

I admit, I have a special weakness for the animated graphics. That’s why I could not resist the temptation to copy this animated GIF from the Wikipedia that represents the Year 2038 problem.

(Via Microsiervos)


Comment by desarrollo web on 2009-10-02 22:32:19 +0000

Let’s expect to spendit equally of good that for the 2000 effect…

A greeting and thanks.

links for 2008-06-29

  • <div class="delicious-extended">
      Erlang is a fantastic workbench for Domain Specific Languages
    <div class="delicious-tags">
      (tags: <a href="">erlang</a> <a href="">DSL</a>)
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      Kilim is a message-passing framework for Java that claims provides ultra-lightweight threads and facilities for fast, safe, zero-copy messaging between these threads.
    <div class="delicious-tags">
      (tags: <a href="">actor</a> <a href="">model</a> <a href="">message</a> <a href="">passing</a> <a href="">java</a>)
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      &#8220;It’s our belief that as a basis for modelling for code generation, UML tools &#8211; in their current form &#8211; will gradually lose &#8220;market share&#8221; to DSLs&#8221;
    <div class="delicious-tags">
      (tags: <a href="">MDD</a> <a href="">DSL</a> <a href="">UML</a>)
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      Michele Sliger talks about introducing Agile to a waterfall type of organization and the hurdles to be cleared
    <div class="delicious-tags">
      (tags: <a href="">agile</a> <a href="">development</a> <a href="">waterfall</a> <a href="">enterprise</a> <a href="">presentations</a>)
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      &#8220;Some software architects think that agile development is an irresponsible way of creating software. Some agilists think that software architecture is a relic of waterfall-style development.&#8221;
    <div class="delicious-tags">
      (tags: <a href="">software</a> <a href="">architecture</a> <a href="">agile</a>)
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      Great post about automated regression testing.
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      (tags: <a href="">automated</a> <a href="">regression</a> <a href="">testing</a> <a href="">bestpractices</a> <a href="">tips</a>)
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      &#8220;I believe that our partners and customers, and industry overall, is much better served by the current DB2 Express-C offering as it delivers the key benefits of open source without the downside that is typically associated with the open source.&#8221;
    <div class="delicious-tags">
      (tags: <a href="">IBM</a> <a href="">DB2</a> <a href="">opensource</a>)
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      &#8220;So this is not a &#8220;DSL vs. UML&#8221; conversation. This is a &#8220;DSL + UML&#8221; conversation. And more importantly, this is about meeting our customers where they are and giving them tools that allow them to get to where they need to be.&#8221;
    <div class="delicious-tags">
      (tags: <a href="">microsoft</a> <a href="">MDD</a> <a href="">DSL</a> <a href="">UML</a>)
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      &#8220;Quite a few of the decision makers expressed no interest or have no plans to adopt open source software, and security was cited as the main concern about adopting open source.&#8221;
    <div class="delicious-tags">
      (tags: <a href="">enterprise</a> <a href="">opensource</a> <a href="">adoption</a> <a href="">survey</a> <a href="">forrester</a>)

Visualizing the commit history of some OSS projects

Found this stunning experiment in organic software visualization on Slashdot:

A moment from the Eclipse project

From the project website:

This visualization, called code_swarm, shows the history of commits in a software project. A commit happens when a developer makes changes to the code or documents and transfers them into the central project repository. Both developers and files are represented as moving elements. When a developer commits a file, it lights up and flies towards that developer. Files are colored according to their purpose, such as whether they are source code or a document. If files or developers have not been active for a while, they will fade away. A histogram at the bottom keeps a reminder of what has come before.

Check some of these open source projects visualizations: Eclipse, Python, PostgreSQL, and Apache. You’ll be amazed!