Nov 3th, 2006
Javaworld has published a comparative review of four open source continuous integration tools:
Many CI tools are available out there, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Different tools will suit different environments and different people. At the end of the day, to choose the right tool for you, you need to set up the tools and try them for yourself. Hopefully I have given you some tips to help you investigate further.
As stated in the comments of the post, if you want a complete list of CI sytems, you could check the Continuous Integration Server Feature Matrix.
(Via Artima Developer)
Nov 2th, 2006
Four volunteers from four different countries accepted the JavaTools challenge of using a different IDE for 30 Days. Two Eclipse fans lived the life of a NetBeans fan for 30 Days. At the same time, two NetBeans fans lived the life of an Eclipse fan for 30 Days. Here are their journals during the experiment and their final interviews. If you ever thought about moving to another IDE, their stories will give you some interesting information.
(Via javaHispano – In Spanish)
Nov 2th, 2006
SPRiNT-iT and InfoQ have teamed to provide a new resource for Scrum teams: a downloadable quick-reference filled with basic definitions and checklists, intended to give trained teams confidence in accomplishing their first Sprints. You can download your free copy or buy a printed version.
(Via InfoQ)
Nov 2th, 2006
A new site about Scrum: Implementing Scrum. What’s the difference with other scrum sites? As they stated, “Learning through humor”, adding comic strips to the articles.
Thanks for the recent blog about my site. I’d love feedback. Feel free to check out the new comic strip each week (usually by Monday afternoons) or subscribe via RSS or e-mails for updates.
– mike vizdos
Oct 31th, 2006
Have you signed the Eclipse birthday card? In Novembre 7, Eclipse is turning 5!!!
If you are interested in the inception of Eclipse, you could find a brief history of Eclipse at developerWorks.