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“While he agrees that UML has its benefits, he continues pointing out that we should be using tools which allow us to create a formal model which can be automatically processed and its integrity can be verified.”
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“You can’t “influence” your way to success, you have to have some kind of hammer drop on somebody’s head if they don’t follow the core architectural principles…it’s called governance.”
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(tags: <a href="http://del.icio.us/frodenas/enterprise">enterprise</a> <a href="http://del.icio.us/frodenas/architecture">architecture</a> <a href="http://del.icio.us/frodenas/governance">governance</a>)
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“It’s only taken Borland two years but it’s finally dumped its CodeGear tools division, responsible for Borland’s hereditary JBuilder, Delphi and C++ Builder lines as well as its new web ventures into PHP and Ruby”
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(tags: <a href="http://del.icio.us/frodenas/Borland">Borland</a> <a href="http://del.icio.us/frodenas/tools">tools</a>)
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“OSGi is what we should have had since the beginning, instead of having the classpath inflicted on us.”
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(tags: <a href="http://del.icio.us/frodenas/java">java</a> <a href="http://del.icio.us/frodenas/osgi">osgi</a>)
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web-based open source code review tools
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“Average developers know how to do something, experts know why to do something. Average developers follow patterns books like they are cookbooks, expert developers understand that innovation applied to patterns can lead to exponential performance gains.”
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(tags: <a href="http://del.icio.us/frodenas/software">software</a> <a href="http://del.icio.us/frodenas/development">development</a>)
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“The development environment is not a domain that traditionally concerns workers in the software architect role”. Well, that’s not exactly true. Perhaps in small and mid-sized orgs, but in big orgs, usually there is a development architecture team.
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(tags: <a href="http://del.icio.us/frodenas/enterprise">enterprise</a> <a href="http://del.icio.us/frodenas/architecture">architecture</a> <a href="http://del.icio.us/frodenas/development">development</a> <a href="http://del.icio.us/frodenas/enviroment">enviroment</a> <a href="http://del.icio.us/frodenas/method">method</a> <a href="http://del.icio.us/frodenas/tools">tools</a>)
This entry was posted by delicious on Sunday May 11th, 2008 at 02:32