“It’s also a sign that SaaS and open source are having a serious impact on enterprise software pricing, forcing proprietary vendors into a retreat.”
“Working with Gartner is like a tax that every vendor must pay with the real question being how much value is derived.”
Project Kittyhawk: “a global-scale shared computer capable of hosting the entire Internet as an application.”
“The purpose of this site is over time to fill some of the gaps – especially by providing code examples as to how how the different patterns can be implemented: to join theory with practice.”
“If the people and social issues are considered up-front, they can be incorporated into our planning and mitigated to help ease the adoption of new architectures, ideas and practices”
the Whole Platform provides an Eclipse based Language Workbench for developing new languages, manipulating them using domain notations and transforming them using a generative model driven approach
This entry was posted by delicious on Friday February 8th, 2008 at 02:18