“The University of British Columbia has developed an extension to the Jazz platform that recommends who on a team should be working on a current problem based on how files have been changed in the past and who worked on those changes”
A wonderful presentation recomended by elsua
PoweredByPulse: a new service from Genuitec will greatly simplify finding, assimilating and using the myriad plug-ins that support the Eclipse open-source development platform.
Risk and failure in complex systems
“We wish to elaborate what that means in terms of SCM for Agile development, but even more importantly in terms of how we should apply Agile, Lean and their related principles to SCM processes and procedures.”
“the silver bullets for our executives are those new management trends that promise to transform the way business is done.”
“In my experience, the single biggest factor holding people like you back from fulfilling their dreams is unwillingness to take risks.”
This entry was posted by delicious on Wednesday October 24th, 2007 at 02:19