This space is to bring together the community who works with DB2 for z/OS, both the people who use the product and the people on the team from IBM who develop,test, and service it.
“Spring Tool Suite” will bring together Spring IDE, the AspectJ Development Tools (AJDT), AspectJ, and Mylyn to create a task-focused approach to the development of Spring-powered enterprise applications.
“BMC Identity Management decided to build their next generation product, including architectural changes and component integration, using Scrum to handle the uncertainty of their product’s requirements.”
Ann Oreshnikova about the so-called polyglot programming: “Thus an IDE capable of supporting productive multi-language development, through seamless language and framework integration, should become the best developers’ friend.”
Dan Pritchett’s post are always a must read
“Producing value for the company is the only thing that matters. If we can do that via Agile methods and practices, then cool. If not, then why would I want to be “more Agile”?”
“given the constraints above: project driven cultures within IT and without, rapid technological and business change in the face of sunk costs, and the fact that the enterprise (indeed the world) is an anarchic place, how do we get people to build systems
This entry was posted by delicious on Wednesday October 17th, 2007 at 02:22